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Waspada, Email Bisa Membunuh Anda Secara Perlahan!

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Anda mungkin tidak percaya hal ini. Mustahil sebuah surat elektronik ini bisa membunuh seseorang secara perlahan. Namun begitulah kenyataannya. Sebagaimana riset yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Inggris. Mereka telah melakukan percobaan terhadap para sukarelawan yang bersedia diteliti kesehatannya setelah berinteraksi dengan email. Ternyata, sukarelawan yang bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan besar menurun kesehatannya setelah mereka membuka surat-surat yang masuk ke dalam inbox email mereka. Apalagi bila surat tersebut berasal dari atasan mereka, tekanan darah mereka melonjak tinggi. Hal ini termonitor dari alat yang dipasang di tubuh mereka. Grafik yang mendeteksi menunjukkan peningkatan tekanan darah saat mereka membuka email yang berasal dari boss mereka. Kerja jantung juga semakin cepat bila email tersebut berisi nada ancaman dan peringatan keras akan kualitas kerja mereka. Dan stress tingkat ringan segera mereka alami bila nada ancaman tersebut berujung pada ancaman pemecatan.

Menurut Profesor Cary Cooper, salah seorang pengamat psikolog dari Inggris, sebaiknya email tidak dijadikan para atasan sebagai media untuk mendisiplinkan karyawan. Menyampaikan peringatan secara langsung lebih baik daripada lewat email. Karena email saat ini bukan hanya sebatas sarana pendukung sosial, namun malah bisa sebagai pemicu stress dan sumber media yang mempengaruhi kesehatan jiwa seseorang. Dari salah seorang sukarelawan menyatakan kepada Cary Cooper bahwa dirinya memiliki ketakutan yang mendalam saat membuka email sewaktu masuk kerja di hari pertama setelah sebelumnya 2 minggu mengambil cuti.

Hasil riset ini telah dipresentasikan pada konferensi para ahli psikolog di Inggris. Kesimpulannya, kata-kata yang buruk dan keras dalam email bisa menurunkan tingkat kesehatan jiwa si penerimanya. Apalagi bila si penerima ternyata memiliki kondisi jiwa yang sedang labil. Hal ini akan menjadi beban pikirannya yang berujung pada penurunan kondisi fisik tubuh. Bila ini dibiarkan berlarut-larut tanpa ada pemberian nasehat dan jalan keluar, kondisi fisik yang dari luar terlihat sehat tapi dari dalam sangat parah ini akan hancur secara perlahan. Penyakit pun akan cepat hinggap dan menggerogoti, yang pada akhirnya bisa berakibat fatal!

Nah, apakah Anda seorang boss...? Mulai sekarang jangan pernah sekali-kali memecat karyawan Anda lewat email. Bisa-bisa Anda besoknya dijemput polisi karena telah "membunuhnya"! ***


9 Tips to Working Better With Your Boss
By Becky Mease

If you're employed or in the process of looking for a job, you'll probably be dealing with your boss on a regular basis. Your relationship can greatly affect your career advancement, salary, and overall mental well-being. There's no way around them, and it's in your best interest to put most superlative foot forward and learn how to deal and handle them with ease. Below you will find some suggestions that we believe may improve your relationship with your boss, or at least help you understand them better.

   1. Keep in mind that your boss may be of help sometimes. Whether your boss has good management skills or not; he may have insightful advice for you to utilize on the job. There's much to learn from a bad boss- just remember, odds are they didn't get their job simply from their looks. Even the worst of bosses have word of wisdom or two.
   2. Know and understand your boss's expectations. Your relationship is symbiotic- meaning that if you're successful in your job, so is your boss. Both of you rely on each other to accomplish tasks at hand, and your boss may have his/her boss come down on them if you fail to meet goals that were established. And we all know where the ax is going to fall if that happens- right at your neck.
   3. Meet your boss's expectations. Tip number two and this one go hand in hand. If you fail to accomplish the goals and objectives your boss has placed upon you, you have no one to blame but yourself. If the task is too obtuse for one person to handle or the assignment is unrealistic in nature, it's up to you to approach your boss, enlighten him/her on your predicament, and either suggest an alternative or ask for advice on how to complete your job. Bosses across the nation would never begrudge an employee for occasionally checking on their performance status. It's a great way to find out if you're performing where your boss needs you to be.
   4. Keep yourself squared away. Bosses hate nothing more than an employee that's high maintenance. They will grow to question your ability and skill if they have to check your work continuously. They'd appreciate an employee they can depend on in a crunch, and understand if you make the occasional mishap- it's going to happen and does so to everyone. Be the employee who doesn't need to be told what to do at every turn, and take responsibility for achievements as well as trouble areas.
   5. Be up front with your boss. If you've made an error or totally tanked on a project, then fess up immediately with a plan of action to rectify the problem if possible. You don't want the news to reach them from one of your co-workers; or even worse- their boss or a client. This also applies to successful tasks and good news that will improve your boss's job and work.
   6. Give your boss "props" in your success. When you receive accommodations for work well done, it's not the time to say that you worked damn hard with no thanks to your boss. Recognize them for their contributing factor in your triumph- even if it was so minute you can't recognize it. If your boss is truly the ogre who barks commands and never lifts a finger to help, then now is not the time to address that.
   7. Don't get personally involved in your work. Easier said than done for some of us. However, when your work gets criticized you take it as a personal attack. By allowing your personal feelings to take over your professionalism, your work may start to lack- you may question your ability and produce less than stellar work. Just remember, your boss's success is directly linked to your getting the job done right and competently. Not all bosses are able to recognize this, but they wouldn't assign something to you they didn't think you could accomplish. So, get it done right the first time- just the way they want it.
   8. Don't make your boss look like a schmuck. Upstaging them is one of the quickest ways to professional suicide. Correcting them in public as well as pointing out their faults will lead them to resent you. If they believe they misspoke during a presentation, but truly haven't, then you can point out that they were correct the first time. Any other situation could land you in hot water.
   9. Handle your boss if needed. It's horrible to think that you may have to manage or handle your boss, but it happens a lot. It's a definite if you're looking to climb the ladder quicker then most. Manipulation in the good of the job isn't the most professional method to get what you want. But folks do it everyday- especially if their boss is less than desirable. What's better is to take the initiative, look for opportunities that will pull you away from the rest of the pack. Suggest a new S.O.P. and explain how it would benefit the business as a whole. Go further in asking his assistance to redirect upper management from saying no until you can prove it's successful. This way your keeping the boss in the loop even you if really aren't. ***


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LPN - The Right Career Choice?

By Andrea M Jones
LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse and is the initial nursing qualification. In order to qualify as an LPN you must undertake a course on a training program which has been approved by the State Board of Nursing. The course is usually 18 months to two years long but can be as short as 12 months.

At the end of the training course, prospective candidates must pass an examination. The licensing examination is called the NCLEX-PN and is essential if you wish to go on and practice as a nurse.

Once licensed the nurse can undertake a variety of both simple and complex medical procedures, but should only do so under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) or a physician.

Usually, before being admitted to an approved training program you must demonstrate as a minimum that you have a high school diploma and do not have a criminal record, although increasingly, possibly as demand for the qualification grows, there are training courses which will accept you on the course without high school diploma, indeed in some cases students can start LPN programs while still in high school through vocational programs.

There are many approved training schools providing the necessary qualification programs across the country. Indeed in 2006 the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there were more than 1,500 state approved training courses in practical nursing. Since that time there have been a significant number of programs that have been designed specifically for learning online.

Most courses still however require a clinical aspect to the training which is difficult to undertake on a distance basis, so it is likely that attendance as some form of organized clinical training events will still be required. There are however many local vocation schools and technical LPN programs that offer complete courses or just specific aspects of the training regime as well as community colleges.

Once qualified LPN's are able to undertake a wide variety of activities, from simple measurements for example taking a patients temperature or blood pressure, through to administering CPR on a patient who is suffering a cardiac arrest. Most of the time however they will be administering basic care to elderly, infirm or recuperative patients in a non-hospital environment.

Andrea Jones provides valuable advice about the background, qualification procedure and opportunities presented to anyone thinking of undertaking an LPN course.

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A Worklife Freedom and Flexibility Manifesto

By Jonathan Pincas
The shackles of a 9-5 job are all too obvious for those who are wearing or have worn them. Need to go to the dentist on Thursday? Get permission from your boss. Fancy a couple of days off in May? No chance. Got drunk on Tuesday? Need to work the night shift on Wednesday? Forget it. Not really into that assignment? Want to ditch it? Not happening. Disagree with the ethical policy of your company? Bite your tongue. Fancy earning double next year? Dream on.

Everybody has their own pet hate about their job or career, but complaints tend to follow a predictable pattern and revolve around a real or perceived lack of freedom: freedom to create your own present and to shape your own future. The Say No! to the Office philosophy is about renouncing the shackles and embracing this freedom.

The aim of the "Worklife Freedom and Flexibility Manifesto" is to present a number of principles which spell out in more detail the freedoms that Non-9-to-5'ers seek. It's not about political or social activism - it's a blueprint for complete worklife freedom to be discussed, reflected upon and honed. Maybe you don't agree with, or necessarily desire, all of these - that's fine - they are tenets, ideals or objectives. If only one or two of them are important to you, strive to make those a reality and ignore the rest. The general idea that underlies the principals is simple: they are based on the notion that in an ideal world, you should control:

* Where to work
* When to work
* How much to work
* Who to work for
* What to work on
* How much to earn

So, without further ado, I give you the "Principles of Worklife Freedom". Read more about each principle in further articles in this series.
The Say No! to the Office Principles of Worklife Freedom

1. Freedom and Flexibility of Residency: The fundamentally important decision of where to live your life should not be made on your behalf, either tacitly or overtly, by an employer or general employment considerations. You live where you want to and work there.
2. Freedom and Flexibility of Mobility: You decide where you will be whilst working at any time. The boredom and restrictiveness of sitting at the same desk every day is unnecessary. Whether you want to work from your kitchen, your relatives house, or a hotel, you should be able to do so whenever you want with the flexibility to change without asking permission.
3. Freedom and Flexibility of Workload: You decide how much work to do during any day, week, month or year. It is not necessary or desirable to do exactly the same amount or duration of work everyday. Work is secondary to life - sometimes life demands more personal time, sometimes less. Work should be flexible enough to accommodate this.
4. Freedom and Flexibility of Working Hours: You decide when to do your work. It is not necessary to work at the same time every day and at the same time as everyone else. Some people may wish to work during the day, others during the evening. Some people may wish to work intensively for 3 days a week, others may prefer to work 2-3 hours a day, seven days a week.
5. Freedom and Flexibility of Client: If you're self employed, you have clients. If you're employed, your employer is just a client buying your labour. You decide who your clients are and are free and able to change clients easily, avoiding total dependence on any one of them. You are not a slave. Whatever type of work you do, the person you really work for is yourself.
6. Freedom and Flexibility of Assignment: You decide which projects to work on based on your own motivation, financial needs, skills and interests. You avoid boredom caused by unsuitable or repetitive work assignments that serve only the corporate purpose. You seek constant stimulation from interesting and challenging projects. Work should be enjoyable.
7. Freedom and Flexibility of Remuneration: You control the factors that directly and indirectly determine your present and future earnings. You are not restricted to the same income month after month. You are not restricted to small incremental yearly increases in income and a predictable financial future. You are not a wage-slave.

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Senior Care Jobs

By Julie Northcutt
What opportunities are available for employment in senior care?

Senior care jobs are available in retirement communities, senior home care agencies and nursing homes. Retirement communities employ managers, sales, support and care staff, usually consisting of a Registered Nurse and a few Certified Nursing Aides to support the community. Senior home care agencies employ managers consisting of registered nurses and social workers along with office and field staff including schedulers, recruiters, bookkeepers and receptionists or in-take coordinators. Field staff consists of Certified Nursing Aides, Home Health Aides and Certified Personal Care Assistants (all states in the U.S.A. certify nursing aides and additional senior care certfications vary by state).

What training is required? Some positions do not require training beyond a caring personality. Other positions require experience in that area of expertise. Non-medical senior home care agencies are able to staff companion caregivers in most states. These caregivers receive caregiver training through the senior care agency and the only requirements are dependablility, compassion and experience interacting with seniors.

What certifications are required? Retirement communities and nursing homes usually require caregivers to be certified as a nursing aide. Senior home care agencies are considered non-medical and may require some caregivers who are working in nursing facilities or reimbursed by long-term care insurance to be certified nursing aides or certified home health aides or certified personal care assistants if these certifications are offered in the state where care services are provided.

What are the job duties? The caregiving job duties will consist of: companionship, light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation (and planning), assisting with personal care and safe transfers, exercise coaching, medication monitoring and errands. Mental and physical exercises along with social activities may be included in the senior's plan of care.

How do you become certified as a nursing aide? You should check the certification requirements in your state. Many community colleges offer nursing aide certification programs and some hospitals and nursing homes may also offer the nursing aide certification. You are usually able to obtain certification within 6 to 12 weeks, depending on if you attend a full-time or part-time program. After finishing a certification program, you will be required to take the state exam. Usually your program will provide you with practice tests. Skills learned include proper emotional interaction with the senior, along with how to bathe, transfer and maintain cleanliness in the patient's environment. Feeding tube and colostomy maintenance are also taught.

Are positions full-time or part-time? Both full-time and part-time positions are available as often seniors will only need part-time services in their home when additional care is first needed. Many times senior home care agencies will need to staff morning or afternoon or evening caregivers in order to meet a senior's care needs, which means a wide variety of part-time schedules are available. This makes companion care an attractive opportunity for both seniors and students.

How do you find available senior care positions? It is always a good idea to obtain some experience through volunteering at a senior center, nursing home. Opportunities also exist through associations for age-related diseases such as Parkinson's Disease or Alzheimer's Disease. You may also explore senior caregiving jobs through career centers for caregivers where one application will reach all the senior care companies in your area.

Julie A. Northcutt, CEO of Caregiverlist, Inc., works to connect seniors and their loved ones with quality senior care options and caregivers with employment opportunities and has been working in the senior care industry for more than 10 years. provides information on elderly care and assists in finding premier senior home care agencies by qualifying your care needs and required services.

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FedEx Careers - Lots of Pros and Very Few Cons

By Will Stone
In today's world and in today's economy it is tough to find a good, well paying career. FedEx Careers offers many well paying jobs with tremendous benefits for people in all aspects of life. Whether you start out on the ground floor as a package handler or high up on the managerial ladder FedEx takes great care of you. FedEx is one of the best known shipping and receiving companies in the world and is proud of its reputation.

When you get a job at FedEx you can rest assured that the benefits they offer all employees are second to none. They treat all of their employees as if they were the CEO of the company. With benefits like discounts on items through the FedEx website for employees to health benefits to discounted airplane tickets. Factor in a competitive wage and a fun environment to work in where people get along and look forward to going to work everyday you experience with FedEx Careers will be a memorable one.

Along with all of that, factoring in today's tough economic times and inevitable layoffs companies all across the country are facing, FedEx managers across the board agreed a few months back to take pay cuts so they could minimize layoffs nationwide. It showed just how much the company cares about their workers and how important truck drivers, off loaders and package handlers are to them. These people who took pay cuts could have very easily declined the pay cut and let go of workers, it wouldn't have affected them too much if they work in the Atlanta office and someone who drives trucks in Boston got laid off. But they were willing to help everyone out throughout then entire company.

You can see that with all of the positives going on at FedEx it is tough to find many negatives. They serve multi-billion dollar businesses ship packages overnight across the world, they ship for small businesses across North America and they also cater to people sending packages to family and friends. With millions of people working for them around the world and billions of people relying on them to ship packages, the people who work for FedEx take their job very seriously and professionally.

Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here for some more information on FedEx Careers or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Employment News Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.

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