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Jobs at Kohl's Despite the Economy

By Will Stone
Kohl's department store based out of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin offers a wide variety of jobs, from management, to retail to loss prevention to modeling! With department stores like Linens and Things and Talbots closing their doors, it's an understatement to say that the economy has had a negative effect on retail. However, Kohl's continues to keep their locations all over the country open, and by all accounts, in the grim economy, the outlook is good for people looking for jobs at Kohl's to find what they are looking for in the upcoming year.

As with any job, the interview process requires preparation and professionalism. The interview process for jobs at Kohl's differs from position to position and is going to be more involved, the higher the position. If modeling is the desired position, the company mainly works with talent agencies in Wisconsin.

Applications are available online or in the store, again as with most jobs, it is recommended to apply in-person and to pick up an application in-person that you can ask to speak with a manager. It is important to look professional at all times, even if you are only going into the store to pick up an application.

In retail, it is important to maintain a high level of attention to customer service, and this is especially true at Kohl's, a company that prides itself on having a reputation for great customer service. A simple search on the internet will find you any amount of blogs about the high quality of the customer service at Kohl's.

However, if you are not a person who is known for your ability to work with many customers at any given time, there still may be jobs at Kohl's for you. When looking for a job, always stay positive, maintain your professionalism, and don't let the economy get you down. You can find a great job, and you can find it at Kohl's.

Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here for some tips on how to fill out an Online Job Application that gets results or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Employment News Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.

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