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Living a Passionate Life - How to Use "I" Language

By Paula Harvey
Designing a passionate life means owning the direction of your life. One way to do this is to use "I" language, which is taking personal responsibility for your world, situation, and your choices. Using "I" language is empowering to you and those around you.

YOU are in the driver's seat, not someone or something outside yourself. Notice how often you use "you" rather than "I" when you are speaking about your own emotions. When you use "I" language you will notice a difference in how you feel when talking to other people and you will notice a different response from them.

When you use the word "I" rather than you, it takes the responsibility off of the other person. When you do this, you will notice that people are less defensive and more willing to work through a difficult conversation. Think about how you would respond if someone said "You make me feel stupid", more than likely you aren't going to respond favorably.

However, if you were to say "I feel really stupid right now". This is much more honest and to the point. You are choosing to feel a certain way, based on what that other person does or doesn't do or say. You have given your power to the other person.

The following are examples of "I" phrases that give your power away and that you may recognize. Say them out loud and notice how you feel when you say them. How does it feel in your body? Are you energized or drained? What do you notice? What "I" phrases do you use that give your power to others?

Phrases That Give Your Power to Others
You should
The company makes me
You make me
When you
The system makes me

Now read the following phrases out loud and see how they feel. Do you notice a difference between this and the other phrases? How does it feel in your body? Are you energized or drained?

Phrases That Retain Your Power
I choose to
I desire to
I know
I intend
I can figure this out

What are the "I" phrases that you use throughout the course of your day that give your power away? Are you ready to change them and see what happens? Try out the following technique and see what happens.

Pick two days of the week and notice when you use "you" when speaking about how you feel during your conversations. Write down the phrases that you say, and then come up with alternative phrases. Implement one new phrase a day for a week and see what happens.

I wonder what would happen if you were able to identify your passions and start living in alignment with them? I offer tips and methods for living passionately on my blog. I'd like to invite you to receive my free Passion Deficit Disorder (PDD) Report and find out why passion is so important in your life and what you can do about it. You can get your instant access at

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