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Free Online Resume Tips

By Brian G Chadra
You've made the decision to put your resume online, submitting it to the job posting boards to get more exposure and exponentially increase the number of potential employers that get to see your information. The internet is about information anyway and with jobs hard to come by it is essential to advertise your job skills to as many people as possible. But who else will notice your personal information and how can you safeguard your identity while still maximizing views by companies looking for qualified workers.

The first thing you can do is post anonymously. Many job boards are offering this service to individuals as a way to get their resume in the database without also putting the individual at risk. Some even don's show the header portion of the resume, but only the balance of the paper allowing employers to contact a worker through the posting site. If this isn't the case, go find another place to host your resume. There are many different job boards available online, so don't feel that you owe one particular place any loyalty if they don't meet your needs. Another options is to leave only your name in the header portion of the resume.

In this way, none of your personal information is left on the paper and without any contact information, identity thieves can't gain access to needed data to perform their mischief. Be sure to know what format that the job posting board is looking for before uploading your resume. Many use Microsoft Word (.doc) format and if that is the case, save the resume in version 2003 and not 2007 since many companies don't have the latest version of Word yet.

That's it, good luck!

Until next time,

Brian C

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Best regards,


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