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What They Don't Teach You in School About Getting a Job - 5 Things You Need to Learn Right Now

By Lynn King
Many of us spend a lot of time and invest significant amounts of money in our education. Unfortunately, most high schools and colleges do not teach us key skills we need to survive in the real world. There are 5 things you need to know before you try to find a job - and they don't teach you this in school!

1. Where should you look?
Gone are the days when searching the Classifieds of the local paper is the best way to find a great job. Many companies no longer advertise their positions in newspapers. To start your job search, look at key web sites on the internet like or career Posting your resume and/or building a personal website is a great way to get your name in front of employers. You should also network with family and friends to find out about opportunities with local companies.

2. What do you need to apply for a job?
Resumes are important and there are a lot of reference materials you can use to learn how to write an effective one. Invest some time in how to write a good resume and keep it brief and error-free. In addition to the resume, most companies now want to hear about your personal experiences. Be prepared to provide specific examples of how you've learned something or used a skill. Prove that you are good at something by explaining how you succeeded in that area in the past.

3. What about the interview?
Preparing for an interview is critical. You need to know as much about the company you are meeting with as possible. Find someone willing to partner with you to practice so that you are actually answering questions in a conversation with someone. Get feedback so that you can improve how you come across. Be comfortable with yourself so that others will feel comfortable around you. Confidence is important, and so are sincerity and credibility. Consider talking with a professional coach to get guidance on effective communication skills.

4. How should I leave the interview?
Be prepared with a sentence or two that sums up why you are a good candidate for the position. Focus on your strengths and reasons you want the job. Explain what you can bring to the company that may not be common with other employees. What is different about you? Do not leave the interview before you've made a clear statement about why you should be hired. Ask when you should expect to be contacted and if it's ok if you contact them for an update on their decision. There is no reason that you should be left in the dark.

5. What should I do after the interview?
A lot of things have changed about the interview process, but neglecting to send a thank you note or e-mail is a mistake. Take the time to write a sincere note of appreciation for the chance to talk with them. A personal note will stand out with a potential employer. You never know when you might cross paths again, even if you don't get a job offer this time.

Find help now getting the job you really want. Contact Lynn King, Coach/Trainer, Access Coaching & Training at Click on Access Coaching & Training now for a free initial consultation!

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