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Why Do Some Leaders Seem to Draw Charismatic and Magnetic People to Them Without Even Trying?

By Kathy Munslow
We probably all know someone who seems to draw charismatic and magnetic people to them from everywhere without even trying. And often times these people will go on to achieve massive results in their lives. Ever wondered what their secret is? What makes them stand out from the crowd? Let's look at a few leaders and see if we can find some common ground.

Richard Branson was around 15 years of age when he decided he wanted to give the students a voice. He proceeded to sell ad space for a magazine that didn't even exist. And he got buy in. He then went on to start a small mail order record business to provide cheap music. This later became Virgin Records.

Warren Buffet had about $100 when he spotted his first investment house, which was going to cost over $100,000. He faced some fierce opposition along the way, but he now has a net worth of multi billions.

Donald Trump's first investment was the Commodore hotel. It was totally run down and had a shocking reputation, as part of it was a massage parlour. Not only did he get buy in from multiple parties, one of them was the city!

So all these leaders have fought the odds and won. But how?

The first thing they quite obviously had was a clear dream and vision of what they wanted. Even against the odds, they had to truly believe their goal was achievable. But that was only part of the equation. You see in all of these cases, they also had to get the buy in from other people. They had to get other people to believe that their dream was worth investing in.

Charismatic and magnetic leaders can bring people together who not only control and believe in their own destiny, but they also spur others on to achieve massive results through their beliefs. This is when you get synergy among people, and synergy is a powerful force. When you get groups of people working synergistically towards a common goal, you often see results that are 100, or even 1000 times beyond what they could achieve if they were working alone.

This is in line with J. Paul Getty's saying "I'd rather have 1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own effort".

So believe in your dreams, and then convince others that your dream is worth investing in. Once you start the wheels of synergy in motion it can become an unstoppable beast!

Kathy Munslow is an internet marketer and mentor, who loves helping others achieve greater levels of success in their lives. To find out more about Kathy and what she does, visit

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