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BKK SMK 3 Yogyakarta Menyalurkan Ribuan Tenaga Kerja

BKK SMK 3 Yogyakarta Menyalurkan Ribuan Tenaga Kerja
Lowongan Kerja Online :: Ribuah lowongan tenaga kerja -- kebanyakan lulusan SMK/SMU dari wilayah Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya -- telah disalurkan oleh Kantor BKK (Bursa lowonganKerja Khusus) SMK 3 Yogyakarta. Di kantor ini, setiap hari tak kurang dari 100 pelamar datang jika ada lowongan pekerjaan baru. Didirikan pada 1990, BKK mensyaratkan calon tenaga kerja berusia maksimum 22 tahun untuk laki-laki dan 21 tahun untuk perempuan. ''Namun, ada juga perusahaan yang membatasi usia maksimum sampai 26 tahun, misalnya lowongan Daihatsu,'' tutur Pimpinan BKK SMK 3 Yogyakarta, Drs Gunarto. Jumlah tenaga kerja yang disalurkan oleh BKK terus meningkat. Bahkan, karena tingginya permintaan lowongan tenaga kerja, kini dalam satu bulan BKK menyelenggarakan hingga tiga kali seleksi dan rata-rata dalam satu tahun menyalurkan sekitar 500 lowongan tenaga kerja.

''Hingga sekarang lowongan & tenaga kerja yang telah disalurkan sekitar 4.000 orang,'' kata Drs Soeharto Poerwanto, penanggungjawab BKK yang juga sebagai Kepala Sekolah SMK 3 ini. Bagaimana lembaga ini mampu mendapatkan kepercayaan sejumlah perusahaan? Menurut Soeharto, BKK ditangani oleh orang-orang yang profesional. Bahkan mereka bersedia bekerja 24 jam untuk melayani alumni dan masyarakat yang akan memasuki lapangan kerja. ''Seluruhnya ada 14 orang, mereka adalah para guru dan karyawan SMK 3.'' Semangat pendirian BKK yang mendapat izin resmi dari Depnaker pada 1995, lanjutnya, adalah untuk membantu alumni mencari lowongan & pekerjaan dan menjembatani dunia usaha dalam merekrut tenaga kerja. Sekaligus sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan sekolah dalam menyiapkan tenaga terampil yang dibutuhkan pasar.

Meski pada 1998 baru sekitar 15 perusahaan bonafit yang menjalin kerja sama lowongan dengan SMK3, kini jumlah itu telah mencapai 54 perusahaan. Mereka berasal dari wilayah Yogyakarta, Semarang, Kudus, Magelang, Solo, Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang, Cengkareng, Kerawang, Bogor, Batam, Sumatra Selatan, dan Kalimantan. Selain itu, beberapa perusahaan di luar negeri juga menjalin lowongan & kerja sama, seperti Malaysia dan Jepang. Namun, lowongan & tenaga kerja yang dikirim ke luar negeri masih terbatas lowongan ke Malaysia dan lowongan ke Jepang.

''Ada delapan orang yang dikirim ke Malaysia dan 18 orang ke Jepang,'' kata Ir Sudarsono dari bagian Informasi Pasar Kerja, BKK. Soedarsono menambahkan, perusahaan yang menjalin lowongan & kerja sama dengan BKK antara lain lowongan PT Showa Manufacture Jakarta, lowongan PT Garuda Metalindo Cengkareng, lowongan PT Bridgestone Bekasi, lowongan PT ICI Jakarta, lowongan PT Epson Jakarta, lowongan PT Honda Astra Engine Jakarta, lowongan PT Federal Motor Ind Jakarta, lowongan PT Bumi Cikarang Steel Cikarang, lowongan PT Candra Asri Jakarta, lowongan PT Batasan Kalimantan, lowongan PT Hariono Elektronic Kudus, dan lowongan PT Balai Yasa Yogyakarta. Untuk lowongan SMK 3 sendiri, menurut Wakil Kepala Bidang Kesiswaan Drs Sentot Hargiardi, ada sekitar 76 persen alumninya yang terserap dalam lowongan dunia usaha melalui lowongan BKK. Sedangkan sisanya melanjutkan kuliah atau terserap di dunia usaha lain. ''Bahkan, para siswa SMK 3 yang belum lulus sering kali lowongan sudah dipesan oleh perusahaan,'' tandasnya.

Tentu saja, tutur Sentot, mereka harus melalui seleksi. Bila ada lowongan kerja dari sebuah perusahaan, informasi lowongan itu disampaikan kepada para siswa, sehingga merekalah yang akan menyebarkan berita lowongan kepada masyarakat. ''Kalau permintaan lowongan mendadak, BKK memasang iklan lowongan di surat kabar lokal dan terkadang lowongan lewat radio.'' Tak hanya terbatas bekerja sama dengan sejumlah perusahaan. Untuk memenuhi permintaan tenaga kerja, BKK juga menjalin kerja sama dengan SMK di wilayah DIY dan sekitarnya yang juga mempunyai BKK, namun tidak seaktif BKK SMK 3.

Sentot bilang, ''Sering kali permintaan lowongan tenaga kerja tak bisa terpenuhi jika hanya mengandalkan jumlah lulusan SMK 3 saja. Dengan jalinan ini permintaan akan cepat terpenuhi.'' Meski berhasil menyalurkan lowongan tenaga kerja, BKK tak serta merta memungut biaya tinggi kepada para pelamar. Untuk pendaftaran lowongan mulai bulan ini, mereka hanya dipungut biaya Rp 10 ribu, sebelumnya hanya sebesar Rp 5 ribu. Uang tersebut untuk biaya akomodasi bila para pelamar dipanggil tes atau diterima kerja. ''Itu pun kadang tidak cukup. Karena ada yang panggilannya sampai tiga kali dan biaya akomodasi setiap pemanggilan minimal Rp 5 ribu. Untuk menutup biaya tersebut biasanya diambilkan dari uang kas,'' Sentot menuturkan.

Gunarto mengatakan, pada awalnya BKK tidak mempunyai uang kas sama sekali, karena SMK 3 memang tidak memiliki anggaran untuk itu. Namun, kemudian lembaga ini mendapatkan masukan berupa fee dari perusahaan dan para pelamar yang sudah diterima kerja. Di samping itu, mereka yang sudah berhasil bekerja diminta mengisi uang kas BKK minimal Rp 50 ribu. ''Kini, dari uang kas tersebut sudah dapat untuk membeli seperangkat komputer, mobil operasional, dll.''

Meski pada awalnya hanya menempati ruang guru BP, sejak empat bulan lalu BKK sudah mempunyai tempat khusus lowongan, yaitu bekas rumah dinas kepala sekolah yang tidak dipakai. Di gedung lowongan peninggalan zaman Belanda seluas 400 meter persegi inilah, BKK bermarkas dan melakukan tes lowongan bagi para calon tenaga kerja. Rencananya mulai tahun depan BKK akan menyelenggarakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris dan kelistrikan untuk bekal para calon tenaga kerja. ''Meski pelatihan ini diutamakan untuk siswa SMK 3, kami juga menerima lulusan SLTA lain,'' tuturnya. ***

source: artikel Republika


Personal Contacts

When the word "networking" is used, we tend to think of upwardly mobile college graduates with a bursting day timer in hand chatting up the competition at business meetings, conventions, or workshops. The average blue/pink/white collar worker disconnects, feeling that they could never be that pushy, don't know enough people to even start the attempt, and that the method only works in competitive business environments.


While networking can, and often does, follow such a scenario, the concept is much broader than that. The premise is that most people find a lowongan through someone they know. It may be a direct referral or, more likely, indirectly hearing about an opening that seems suitable.

Procedurally, networking could not be simpler: contact everyone you know to see if they have any firsthand knowledge about lowongan opportunities. Then contact all the people they know. Obtain referrals to other people from everyone you contact and in a short period of time, you will have a veritable army of people working with you to find the right position.

An organized approach to this time-demanding but highly effective technique is discussed in depth in my workbook "The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual" (Authorhouse, 2003). Contact lists in various categories are provided as well as schedules for follow up and strategies for maintaining the strength and commitment of your lists.

For now, let's look at the different levels of networks you can develop.

1. Sizzling Contacts.

These are the people you know personally. They include your family, friends, former coworkers, and acquaintances: your barber, your mailman, your doctor, your real estate agent, the guys you see at the golf course, the women at your club, your children's teachers, other PTA parents - anyone with whom you have regular contact. Often, you need go no further. How many of us obtained our first lowongan through our family or their friends? It is a common occurrence. Look for a moment at ethnic groups and how they operate. Most new immigrants find a position through personal contacts. Hispanics are famous for bringing in their brothers, cousins, and nephews when there is an opening. Most companies who hire mainly Spanish-speaking labor never advertise. All they have to do is tell their employees that they need more workers and the next day dozens of assorted relatives show up and they can make their selection. There are large ethnic communities in different parts of the country: Vietnamese, Armenian, Indian, Korean, Chinese, Irish, Portuguese, Samoan, and Filipino. In almost every group, initial lowongan search is strictly word-of-mouth. Later, as individuals, many workers become culturally assimilated and move into more mainstream jobs but the core of the group, especially those with poor English skills, tend to remain within their original subculture. There are, for example, airlines whose entire ramp staff at some airports are Pacific Islanders, manufacturing companies where the usual language on the production floor is Portuguese, and supermarkets where the workers (and customers) are overwhelmingly Korean. Contrast the successful employment rate of these groups with, for example, African-Americans who are very loosely tied to their communities. Until recent attempts by Church and civic organizations, networking was almost non-existent in African-American culture and a consistently double-digit unemployment rate directly reflected that lack of connectivity.

2. Warm Contacts.

From everyone you seek out while you are making personal lowongan contacts, you try to obtain the names and contact numbers of people they know and if you can use their names as a source of lowongan referral. If all the people you directly know, literally dozens, give you a few names to call, you may have well over a hundred names within a few days. Frequently the first and second level contacts are all that is required. Someone you touch will know of something suitable somewhere.

3. Tepid and Cold Contacts.

If you are really unfortunate, your circle of social acquaintances is very limited, your geographic area has devastating economic blight, your have negative or limiting lowongan personal aspects (prison record, disabilities, a very poor work record), then you may need to expand an extra level or two. Secondary referrals have some potential but the more tenuous the link between you and your friends and the target person, the less effort to help you is likely to be encountered. When you have exhausted all of your lowongan contact lists, unlikely but possible, you are left with the standard lowongan search techniques (classifieds, internet, lowongan fairs, agencies) or cold calling. Cold calls, whether by telephone or, preferably, in person, require you to call or walk into an employer without any introduction, and with no knowledge of any openings. You are likely to receive many negative responses to your queries but sometimes you just happen to time it perfectly and there is a newly available position that suits you. While the chances are sobering, you can still feel proud that you are out in the world, taking positive actions for yourself, rather than withdrawing into the sanctuary of home where the odds against success become astronomical. ***

by Virginia Bola, PsyD
About the author: Virginia Bola operated a rehabilitation company for 20 years, developing innovative job search techniques for disabled workers, while serving as a respected Vocational Expert in Administrative, Civil and Workers' Compensation Courts. Author of an interactive and emotionally supportive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The Worker's Edge, she can be reached at


Could You Write Performance Reviews For Money?

Writing performance reviews can be an excellent way to earn a living. Who wouldn t want to go from place to place watching actors, singers, and chefs perform at their best (and maybe their worst)? Getting paid to do something like this just seems like fun, doesn t it? But, in reality, these lowongan are not easy to come by nor are they easy to do. A writer will need to have many qualifications and have to write very well in order to establish themselves as worthy candidates of this type of lowongan work. Writing reviews is a little more complicated than just telling what you thought of the lowongan show.

For example, writing play reviews can be a challenge. Sure, the overall show may be interesting and exciting, but what about the individual characters? In writing the lowongan reviews, the writer must have strong understanding of how the play works, who is who, and why certain things are done in certain ways. They must be fluent in the arts and understand what is good and what is bad. It is not simply their opinions that matter but their opinions will in fact determine how well the play does. Who will come see a poorly reviewed play? But, if the writer s ideas are wrong and misguided, who will look to them again for advice on whether or not to see that play?

There is a lot of weight on the shoulders of individuals who do this type of work. Writing reviews for large newspapers and organizations may take a long time to get into. The writer will more than likely start out as a nobody, and often do the work for free long before they earn a single lowongan dime at it. Their talents will only be trusted once they have proven their skill and having the right ideas and the writing abilities as well. Many people are who do this work as freelance writers. Often, these writers work for magazines, newspapers, and online.

The field takes much perseverance and a true love and devotion, not to mention experience in the arts to make it come to be. ***

by Niall Cinneide

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Anonymous said...

halo pak sudarsono............ini destrie nawangsah mantan anak didik bpk di SMK BOPKRI 4.
kalo ada info kerja hubungi saya ya pak?
ini no saya 085664198882

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