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Top 5 Resume Lies

By Shelley Phelps
While exaggerated and false resume claims have always been an issue, job candidates are more likely than ever to lie on applications and resumes in these difficult economic times. Unfortunately, small businesses are more negatively impacted by falsified credentials and/or fraudulent job claims, as every employee in a small company has a significant impact on overall performance, employee morale and the bottom line. Compounding this problem is the fact that applicants are more inclined to lie to small businesses because they believe that these companies are less likely to conduct pre employment background checks.

A recent report compiled by HireRight outlined the five most common lies told by job candidates to potential employers. Here are the highlights of that report for you to keep a close eye on when you're hiring:

1. Exaggerating dates of past employment -- It is estimated that as many as 34% of all resumes include discrepancies related to previous employment.
2. Falsifying the degree or credential earned -- Approximately 20% of job candidates exaggerate or lie about education qualifications.
3. Inflating salary or job title -- This is a common issue, as most job candidates are looking to get a better job or a higher salary.
4. Concealing a criminal record -- Statistics show that about 11% of all background checks return a criminal record.
5. Hiding a drug habit -- Since 42% of Americans admit to having used an illegal drug in their lifetime, screening candidates for drug use is a good idea.

Performing employment history and educational background checks, criminal record checks and pre employment drug testing will help to determine if the candidate you're looking to hire is being honest, or if they've told one of these five top lies.

Shelley Phelps is a Background Screening Specialist with Corporate Investigations, Inc, a national provider of background screening services headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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